INSIDE 國際室內設計節回顧 World Festival of Interiors

為期三日的 INSIDE 國際室內設計節 2019 是集獎項頒發、現場評選及交流於一身的盛事,期間展示全球建築 及室內設計界的優秀作品,同時為全球設計師帶來創作靈感。入圍的設計團隊分別來自九個類別,並親自向 國際評審團介紹項目特點,以競逐國際年度室內設計大獎的殊榮。本特輯將詳盡介紹各類別的得獎作品,讓 大家一睹各項目的成功之處。

Held in Amsterdam, INSIDE is where the global design community meets to be inspired by the latest and greatest in interior design hk and architecture. Over three days INSIDE shines a spotlight on the projects that are changing the face of global interiors. Finalists that are shortlisted across nine categories will present their project in person to international judging panels and one practice will win the ultimate accolade of World Interior of the Year. Today’s Living introduces you to the winners and World Interior of the Year from nine categories.

榮獲住宅類首獎及年度大獎的 JCA Living Lab 位於台北 市,是重建自日治時期老宿舍的住宅,建築事務所 J.C. Architecture 將古老舊居翻新成新型都市住宅,保留這裡 擁有的歷史面紗,同時亦不忘為空間注入現代生活元素, 為戶主帶來多重感觀且快樂的生活方案,亦讓孩子可自由 活動,而當中的傳統工藝與現代細節共存於空間,如客廳 中的圓形吊燈與流傳下來的木造天花背景互成對比。

JCA Living Lab, a regenerated Japanese Colonial house in Taipei city, Taiwan, by J.C. Architecture, has been named because the World Interior of the Year for 2019. The project has beaten over 90 finalists across nine categories to win the ultimate accolade. The judges described the project as ‘A Machine for Green Living: DIY, low-cost and low-tech, yet imaginative in layout, design details and materials also as being innovative in building and environmental technologies’ which brings ‘multi-sensory, joyful living’.

LocHal Library (Tilburg, the Netherlands) Design company: Mecanoo architecten

LocHal Library 位 於 荷 蘭 蒂 爾 堡, 並 以 「寫實的公用空間」見稱,為所有年齡層 的人仕提供閱讀、學習及聚會的空間。 它的前身是機車庫,設計團隊 Mecanoo architecten. 保留原本的火車路軌,並加 入新式橡木、鋼材裝飾等元素,令設計獨 特而充滿歷史感。評審一致讚同團隊的精 心設計,同時又不會奪去車庫歷史風韻。

Described by the judges as a ‘true public space’, LocHal library may be a former locomotive shed transformed into a replacement urban front room for the Dutch city of Tilburg. The project provides an area for all ages to read, learn, study, meet and gather and luxuriate in the unique design featuring historical elements like the first train tracks also as new oak and steel additions. The judges also enjoyed Mecanoo architecten’s interventions and commented that the building was ‘thoughtfully designed and yet not over-designed’.

B_Hive, Smales Farm Design company: BVN in association with Jasmax

這辦公室建築位於奧克蘭,是結合可 持續發展及靈活高效設計的典範,大 樓以迎合用家需要為方針,擁有頂級 先進的設施、娛樂消遣設配套和技術, 讓設計間的所有細節提高業務能力,同 時幫助公司發展區域業務。

This project was commented as an exemplary example of a sustainable and versatile workspace, where the ‘needs of the users informs the architecture’. The office is full of state of the art facilities, amenities and technology all designed to deliver an environment that empowers and helps to grow regional businesses.

noma Design company: BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

餐廳 noma 位於哥本哈根,設計團隊 BIG 劃分餐廳成各區,並將它們圍繞著中央廚房 而建,打造數座獨立但又互相連接的建築。 評審表示,團隊善於在各個建築內打造功能 不一的區域,同時將各區緊密地環佈於中心 周圍,亦有善用玻璃、木頭等統一且明智的 物料,為餐廳內部注入親切如家般的氣氛。

The judges praised the very fact that within the new restaurant the ‘architecture serves the inside spaces and puts the food experience centre stage’. The project challenges conventions by splitting the restaurant’s key functions into separate, yet interconnected areas grouped round the heart of the restaurant: the kitchen. The judges described these as ‘a sort of intimate and homely atmospheres unified by consistent and thought of materiality’.

Classroom Makeover for the Blind Design company: Creative Crews

這所盲人學校位於泰國芭堤雅,由 Creative Crews 精心重建,評審均認為內部的設計元素總是能環環 相扣,而且周到實用,儘管項目預算有限,團隊亦 能細意打造出配合弱勢人士所需的中心,打造這社 會良心企劃。考慮到學校所招收的學生均有程度不 一的視力障礙,團隊著手添置靈活設備,旨在培養 學生離開校園後的自立生活能力。

Judges commented that “every element (in the design) is only aligned, essential and thoughtfully considered. Despite a small budget, the designers have created a projects with a true social conscience”. the varsity enrols pupils with varying degrees of visual defect and skills , therefore the facilities needed to be flexible. the most aim for the building programme was to equip all students with fundamental skills for his or her future livelihoods beyond the school’s gate.

Cloud of Luster Design company: KTX archiLAB

Cloud of Luster 位於日本姬路市, 是不帶任何技術設備的一座婚禮 教堂,其仿如雲般的設計,配合 內部全白的天花帶出簡約美感。 內部各處的柱狀及至天花後,分 叉兩邊成雙曲錐頭,地板則帶有 背光玻璃,通往為合唱團而設的 簡約地台。

The Cloud of Luster may be a unique cloud shaped wedding chapel with an white, minimalistic ceiling freed from any technical equipment and supported by round columns with a hyperbolic cone head; with a back lit glass floor for the aisle, resulting in a minimalistic altar over the elevated choir.

The Cloud Maze (Shanghai, China) Design company: RSAA / Büro Ziyu Zhuang

The Cloud Maze 是一座高四米的裝置藝 術品,其外觀設計仿如雲狀,亦令人聯想 起中國傳統繪畫,評審團隊指出,這裝置 描繪沉浸於群山迴聲體驗的景象,以及半 透明迷宮的意景,設計於兩者間取得平 衡。The Cloud Maze 中 的 山 水 元 素, 與 走進去的路人融為一體,隨著參與者在上 方互動而疊合成不同形態。

The Cloud Maze may be a four metre high installation evoking connections to traditional Chinese paintings also as resembling the sorts of mountains and clouds. Judges commented that “The Cloud Maze balanced two narratives of a translucent maze and therefore the echoes of the mountains in an immersive experience the forms and display elements were skilfully drafted and enjoyed by all passers-by”.

Aesop Bondi Junction Signature Store Design company: MLKK Studio

這零售商店位於澳洲悉尼,其設計保 留架狀結構的不完整之美,同時以松 木表面塑造原始大方的感覺,設計團 隊 MLKK Studio. 藉兩者歌頌缺陷美, 而門面只純粹飾以不經修飾的松木架 及窗用玻璃,配合連續採用幾種材質 各異的物料,深化設計概念。

The st or e design of f ering a “sophisticated” and “informed” design solution intended to retain the construction framework as incomplete and exposed the raw pine structure surface in order to celebrate the beauty of incompleteness. The entire shop front is formed purely by the exposed pine stud framing and glazing and stimulates explorations of several other materials to enhance this concept.

Can Bordoy Design company: OHLAB

入選酒店位於西班牙帕爾馬的一個歷史城區,設計團隊 OHLAB. 將這座越 500 年歷史的建築物翻新成酒店,歌頌 舊有建築所遺下的浪漫主義氛圍及頹廢感。它的前身縱使 破舊,但不失優雅感,各評審讚揚團隊善於利用大膽手法, 保留到原有建築物的頹廢觀感,同時不忘於其中加入新的 古物元素,為客戶帶來別樹一格的五星級酒店享受。

Judges commented that they “admired the re-use of a rundown but elegant building that retained and revered a number of the prevailing decay, adding new antiquities”, praising the practice for adopting a ‘bold and successful approach for a furniture online store. Located within the heart of Palma de Mallorca’s historical centre, the project featured the entire renovation of a quite 500 year old abandoned building into a hotel celebrating the romanticism and decadence of the prevailing structure.